Weekly healing project
The task assigned to the advanced teacher of God isthe healing of the Sonship.
We must remember alwaysthat only the healing of the mind is necessary. Inthat are all "individual" bodies healed and theSonship redeemed. We but offer healing and step back,leaving the results to the Holy Spirit. In thishealing is our own.Forgiveness recognized as merited will heal. It givesthe miracle its strength to overlook illusions.This is how you learn that you must be forgiven too.There can be no appearance that can not be overlooked.
Therefore, the project for this week is:
“We accept forgiveness today and recognize that it ismerited. In this are all healed.”
Simply hold this thought for at least two minutes andextend it outward to the Sonship.
The schedule is as follows:
- Pacific Time: 12:00 pm
- Mountain Time: 1:00 pm
- Central Time 2:00 pm
- Eastern Time 3:00 pm
"Whenever a teacher of God has tried to be a channelfor healing he has succeeded. Should he be tempted todoubt this, he should not repeat his previous effort.That was already maximal, because the Holy Spirit soaccepted it and so used it."
“Your patients need not be physically present for youto serve them in the Name of God. This may be hard toremember, but God will not have His gifts to youlimited to the few you actually see. You can seeothers as well, for seeing is not limited to thebody's eyes. Some do not need your physical presence.They need you as much, and perhaps even more, at theinstant they are sent. You will recognize them inwhatever way can be most helpful to both of you. Itdoes not matter how they come. They will be sent inwhatever form is most helpful; a name, a thought, apicture, an idea, or perhaps just a feeling ofreaching out to someone somewhere. The joining is inthe hands of the Holy Spirit. It cannot fail to beaccomplished.”
from the Course
As always, we thank you for your efforts!
The Association of Course Based Teachers
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